Love, Joy, Peace...
I Do Marriage Network
Married couples are taught the truth about loving, lasting marriages. They are given the biblical principles that build long, lasting, successful marriages.
Man Up Men's Ministry
The Men's Ministry is devoted to giving men the tools needed in overcoming personal obstacles and limitations to become today's family and community leaders. Through biblical principles, men are able to become better fathers, husbands, and so
Ladies of The Kingdom Women's Ministry
Lead by the Spirit of Love, the Woman’s Department is committed to dealing with the total woman. Through empowerment classes, unity meetings, and a variety of other events, women discover that Jesus heals every hurt, fulfills every need, and satisfies every desire.
S.W.A.P. Singles With A Purpose
The Single’s Ministry gives our single brothers and sisters in the Lord someone they can talk to, bond with, pray with, and enjoy being single with. The Single’s Ministry understands that God has a purpose and plan for them, too!
Kingdom Kids Ministry
The Youth Department knows that being young in Christ is an exciting and wonderful privilege. Youth leaders keep the youth busy with Christ centered activities designed to promote unity as well as individuality in Christ
Ladies of the Kingdom Dance Ministry
As they present themselves as unto the Lord, the members of the Dance Team experience freedom in praising the Lord with their entire bodies. Their ministry invokes others to lift their hands, move their feet, and even dance before the Lord in worship.
We Serve Outreach
The main focus of the Evangelistic Ministry The Kingdom church that all souls would be won to Christ. Our desire as we go to prisons, shelters and adolescent homes is that yokes will be destroyed and generational curses will be lifted. We are preparing to take down Satan’s kingdom through the Word of God!'
Freedom youth Ministry (Teenagers)
Intercessory/Prayer Team
Kingdom Media/ Technology Ministry
Voices of the Kingdom Choir
Culinary/ Food
Kingdom Konnectors New Members Ministry
Kingdom Ushers/ Greeters
Security & Parking
Kingdom Care Ministry
Beautification Ministry/ Decor
Pastoral Care Ministry
Cleaning Crew
Christian Education
Event Coordinating Team